How performance branding boosts your brand awareness

Data and technology allow us to measure consumer behavior from the first impression to the last click. More and more budget is being allocated to targeted performance marketing: anything to get consumers deeper into the funnel, but how do you get them there in the first place? We’re talking brand awareness! You have to start somewhere in facilitating a purchase. Performance branding is the way to fill your sales funnel and transform strangers into fans with brand awareness. Read here the why, how and what of performance branding.


Performance branding explained

Are you still using billboards, television and radio for brand awareness? Traditional media are notorious among digital marketing agencies. We dismiss them as unmeasurable. Sorry, not sorry. And as the number of touch points is spread across more and more channels, it gets increasingly difficult to measure each’s impact.

The combination with offline channels makes cross-channel ROI calculations tricky. Smart TVs, billboards with cameras and call tracking may offer insight, but they also bring an inhuman amount of interfaces, systems and manual work. How do you ensure the right insights?

Performance branding is all about providing insight into what happens in the top layers of the funnel. As a brand you simply have to invest in brand awareness. Otherwise you will never be considered as a potential supplier: brand awareness is a buy-in to the consumer’s consideration set. The more often your brand is top of mind in different situations, the stronger your brand is.

Coca Cola is just a sweet fizzy drink, 

but it enjoys a prime position 

in the minds of consumers. 


Why do it the hard way when it can be done the easy way?

Reach out to your target audience on a large scale? And measure the results over the entire funnel? Then you simply have to step into the online world with both feet. Although there are different methods to measure omni-channel performance, it remains complex. Think of microsites, consumer panels or measuring the correlation between offline campaign expressions and the number of website visits in the same period. But aren’t you making things too difficult for yourself?

In addition, the question remains whether you are actually reaching the right target audience. With online campaigns you set up target groups before you start targeting them. With an offline campaign you’re still in the dark when it comes to accurate targeting. Not to mention the cost of offline campaigns. How to make the switch from offline to online top-of-the-funnel marketing? We explain that below!


Plea for performance branding

The more you make the shift to online marketing, the more insightful your media spend is. That way, your marketing budget really is a demonstrable long-term investment in your brand. The impact of spending across channels is directly visible. In addition, you monitor the performance of your brand over the entire buyer’s journey.

We can hear you thinking: what about cookies and tracking? 

Read our blog on how to prepare for a cookieless future.

From first impression to last click: which channels made a relevant contribution in the purchase process? Perspective on who the customer is and what the return is on marketing spending forms an important bridge between CMO and CFO. This enables you to develop orchestrated marketing strategies and spend budgets as efficiently as possible.


How do you apply performance branding?

Engaging in brand awareness with performance branding, can be done in different ways. In this article we look at programmatic buying, influencer marketing and the application of a Customer Data Platform (CDP). Excellent methods to reach relevant target groups and then guide them through the rest of the funnel. At the same time, you have the opportunity to turn the volume up. This way you build a scalable business case: how much more revenue will come from your online investments?

Programmatic buying & performance branding

Programmatic buying is an automated way to buy advertising space. Advanced ecosystems of algorithms analyze consumer behavior and serve up the ‘right’ ad to the ‘right’ person. With a Demand Side Platform – such as Google’s DV360 – you advertise on all kinds of quality websites of your choice. It analyzes the intention of the user on a website in relation to the advertiser’s criteria in real time. This has the advantage that you know for sure in which phase of the customer journey someone is and you can seamlessly target them with a relevant message.

So getting started with programmatic buying for your online brand awareness is a very good move. Because the Demand Side Platform monitors the intent of users, you know for sure that you are targeting groups in the desired phase of the buyer’s journey. This is in sharp contrast to offline advertising, where measuring intent remains guesswork.

Using a Demand Side Platform does require some finesse. The algorithms need guidance in serving the ads. That is why it is important to have segmentation and targeting carefully worked out. Depending on the stage of the buyer’s journey, you steer on other KPIs to monitor the success of your campaigns.

The more you use data-driven marketing solutions, the more fluid the marketing mix looks. Price, product, place and promotion are optimized in real-time for the best results. Your branding is the solid foundation on which all communication rests.

Influencer marketing & performance branding

Influencer marketing offers endless possibilities for branding at various stages of the buyer’s journey. As a rule of thumb, the size of the influencer determines in which stage of the buyer’s journey you deploy them. From small to large: there are micro, macro and mega-influencers. The number of followers and the engagement rate determine which scale the influencer falls into.

In short, micro-influencers have a following of less than 10,000 followers. Macro falls somewhere between 10,000 and 1 million. Mega-influencers, like Kylie Jenner, have one or more millions of followers.

How do you integrate influencer marketing in your performance branding strategy? This is where things get exciting! Because it varies by industry and brand. The cool thing about influencer marketing is that it’s about the unique personality of your brand and finding a matching endorser. But there are a few rules of thumb you can take into account when funneling with influencer marketing.

The influencer marketing funnel

TOFU: Think BIG: TOFU influencer marketing starts with big influencers. And as is the case with offline channels, TOFU media spend in influencer marketing is pricey (but definitely worth it). With big influencers, you pay for image and reach. The ultimate goal is to fill the top of the funnel with a relevant audience and build brand awareness.

Pro tip: You can’t just assume that the influencer himself is a reflection of the following he or she has. So always do some research on this!

MOFU: for mid-funnel influencer marketing, macro-influencers are the best move. In a campaign period, hook macro-influencers a little later. Why? Because mega-influencers are known for always being the first to endorse new products or services. So you want to keep them happy at all times. The motivation of macro-influencers increases when a mega-influencer was involved in the campaign as well.

Mid-funnel strategies focus on the community of semi-active followers of macro-influencers. In your communications, focus on the common denominator of that following: what passion, drive or mission do they want to accomplish?

BOFU: Complete your influencer marketing strategy with BOFU content. Micro-influencers are definitely the way to go here. The focus is on the loyal following of small influencers. Micro-influencers are seen by their following as authentic trusted advisors. Endorsing products or services has a big impact on them. We therefore see very high conversion rates when using micro-influencers.

We took a brief step sideways regarding the influencer marketing funnel.

Everything comes together in a CDP

Both programmatic buying and influencer marketing are excellent tactics to build brand awareness where you want it to: a relevant audience. Once guided to your website, what do you want them to do next? A Customer Data Platform is the  perfect business asset for you. Powered by insights and AI, a CDP ensures everyone gets the best personalized website experience.

At the first website visit, the CDP finds out with what intention someone visits the website and what he or she is interested in. This is why programmatic buying and a CDP are such a good combination, as it ensures a seamless experience across channels. Once users are on your website, a CDP is the best pull marketing method. With each interaction on your site, the customer profile is enriched. A CDP allows you to apply data-driven segmentation and build in real-time relevant cross-sells.

Does someone visit page x and does this person spend x time here? Then that person ends up in segment x. The next time this person visits the website, what do they see on the homepage? The products they looked at on their first visit. Coincidence? Absolutely not. These segments are also extremely suitable as retargeting audiences and input for look-a-like and audiences in Meta and Google Ads.


Branding starts digital

Like we said, the more you move your marketing into digital realms, the more insightful your media spend will be. Branding simply starts digital. Combining performance branding with a Customer Data Platform brings a lot of fireworks into the organization (read: satisfied customers and higher turnovers). Initially, online branding methods are sometimes received with skepticism. However, once you’ve had a taste of data-driven digital marketing, you’ll never want to go back. The added value of branding is so transparent that many companies adopt it very easily into their efforts.

This is an optional caption for images.

Het gebruik van een Demand Side Platform vergt wel wat finesse. De algoritmes hebben sturing nodig voor het uitserveren van de advertenties. Daarom is het zo belangrijk om segmentatie en targeting zorgvuldig uitgewerkt te hebben. Afhankelijk van de fase van de buyer’s journey stuur je op andere KPI’s om het succes van je campagnes te monitoren.

Hoe meer je gebruikmaakt van datagedreven marketing oplossingen, hoe meer fluïde de marketingmix eruit ziet. Prijs, product, plaats en promotie worden in real-time geoptimaliseerd voor het beste resultaat. Daarbij is jouw branding het solide fundament waarop alle communicatie berust. 

Klinkt dit als hocus pocus? Lees dan vooral onze

blog over hoe je data en branding met elkaar verenigt.

Influencer marketing & performance branding

Influencer marketing biedt eindeloos veel mogelijkheden voor branding in diverse stages van de buyer’s journey. Als vuistregel geldt dat de grootte van de influencer bepaalt in welke fase van de buyer’s journey je ze inzet. Van klein naar groot zijn er micro, macro en mega-influencers. Het aantal volgers en de engagement rate bepalen in welke schaal de influencer valt.

In het kort: micro-influencers hebben een following van minder dan 10.000 volgers. Macro valt ergens tussen de 10.000 en 1 miljoen. Mega-influencers, zoals Kylie Jenner, hebben één of meerdere miljoenen volgers. 

Hoe pas je influencer marketing toe binnen je performance branding strategie? Nu wordt het pas echt leuk! Dat verschilt namelijk per branche en merk. Het toffe aan influencer marketing is dat het gaat om de unieke persoonlijkheid van jouw merk en dat je daar een passende endorser bij vindt. Maar er zijn wel een aantal vuistregels waarmee je rekening kunt houden bij funneling met influencer marketing.

Jezelf echt helemaal immersen in digitale sferen?

Lees onze blog over de metaverse, NFT’s en influencers.

De influencer marketing funnel 

TOFU: Think BIG: TOFU influencer marketing begint bij de grote influencers. En net zoals het geval is bij offline kanalen is TOFU mediaspend in influencer marketing prijzig (maar definitely worth it). Bij grote influencers betaal je voor imago en bereik. Het uiteindelijke doel is om de bovenkant van de funnel te vullen met een relevante doelgroep. 

Pro tip: Je kunt ervan niet zomaar vanuit gaan dat de influencer zelf een weerspiegeling is van de following die hij of zij heeft. Doe hier dus altijd onderzoek naar!

MOFU: in midfullel influencer marketing regionen zijn de macro-influencers de beste zet. In een campagneperiode haak je macro-influencers iets later aan. Waarom? Omdat mega-influencers erom bekendstaan dat ze altijd als eerste nieuwe producten of diensten endorsen. Die wil je dus te allen tijde tevreden houden. De motivatie van macro-influencers neemt des te meer toe op het moment dat er eerst een mega-influencer aan te pas kwam. 

Midfunnel strategieën richten zich op de community van de semi-actieve followers van macro-influencers. Focus in je communicatie op de gemeenschappelijke deler van de following: welke passie, drive of missie willen zij volbrengen? 

BOFU: maak je influencer marketing strategie compleet met BOFU content. Micro-influencers zijn hier absoluut the way to go. De focus ligt op de trouwe following van de kleine influencer. Micro-influencers worden door hun following gezien als authentieke trusted adviser. Het endorsen van producten of diensten maakt veel impact op de following. We zien dan ook zeer hoge conversion rates bij de inzet van micro-influencers. 

We deden een korte stap opzij wat de influencer marketing funnel betreft.

Meer weten over de toepassing van influencer marketing in jouw organisatie?

Neem dan contact op John Meulemans!

Alles komt perfect samen in een CDP 

Zowel programmatic buying als influencer marketing zijn uitstekende tactieken om merkbekendheid op te bouwen waar je dat wilt: bij een relevant publiek. Als dit publiek zich eenmaal op je website bevindt, wat wil je dat ze daar doen? Een Customer Data Platform is dan de beste business partner voor jou. Gevoed door AI en real-time insights, zorgt een CDP ervoor dat iedereen de beste gepersonaliseerde website ervaring krijgt. 

Bij het eerste bezoek achterhaalt het CDP met welke intentie iemand de website bezoekt en waar hij of zij in geïnteresseerd is. Daarom zijn programmatic buying en een CDP zo’n goede combinatie: omdat het zorgt voor een naadloze ervaring over verschillende kanalen. De twee versterken elkaar waardoor het geheel groter is dan de som van beide delen. Zodra gebruikers op je website zijn, zorgt een CDP voor de nodige dosis pull-marketing. Met iedere interactie wordt het klantprofiel verrijkt. Op deze manier kun je data-gedreven segmentatie toepassen en in real-time relevante cross-sells bouwen. 

Meer weten over de mogelijkheden van een Customer Data Platform? 

Lees dan onze blog over personalisatie met een CDP

Bezoekt iemand pagina x en brengt diegene hier x tijd door? Dan komt die persoon terecht in segment x. De volgende keer dat deze persoon de website bezoekt, wat ziet hij dan op de homepage? Juist! De producten die ze bij hun eerste bezoek bekeken. Toeval? Absoluut niet. Deze segmenten zijn ook uitermate geschikt als retargeting audiences en input voor look-a-like audiences in Meta en Google Ads. 

Branding starts digital 

Like we said, hoe meer je je marketing naar digitale sferen verplaatst, hoe inzichtelijker je mediaspend is. Branding simply starts digital. Combineer je performance branding met een Customer Data Platform dan brengt dat behoorlijk wat vuurwerk in de organisatie (lees: tevreden klanten en hogere omzetten). In eerste instantie worden online branding methodes soms met skepsis ontvangen. Echter, heb je eenmaal geproefd van data-gedreven digitale marketing dan wil je niet meer terug. Juist omdat de meerwaarde van branding zo inzichtelijk is, is de adoptie ervan des te gemakkelijker voor bedrijven. 

Hulp nodig bij het digitaliseren van je marketinginspanningen? Neem contact met ons op!

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